Thorns of Immortality
by Patryk Rebisz

Part I (short excerpts) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. To The Planet
"Having reached the end of time, one was still alive within time."

"Any concrete definitions expose the goal's ultimate fiction. Is life's meaning in just being?"

"The Bedu of the deep deserts aimed to reach their destination as fast as possible struggling against the concreteness of the journey. The destination was mythical, implying salvation through access to water but it was the journey that defined one's proximity to the abyss of eternity. There, one fought for life against the mind's pursuit of the sublime."

"The goal is a mystical, if false, necessity for the journey's start - to give meaning to the effort. Meaning is a result of valuing time against life."

"Society has reached such a level of complexity that one's actions have no way of registering on any other than personal scale."

"One cannot lead life in such a way that 'it matters after death' because none of the progress will ever register for much longer after one's passing. The individual, a source of meaning; and the individual, the only entity registering that meaning, will be gone."

"Maybe this, the Poet wondered, was at the core of his decision: to push away by a few years the natural progression of turning life into absolute oblivion."


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