Thorns of Immortality
by Patryk Rebisz

Part I (short excerpts) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8. His Father' Stop
"As a child the Poet wondered what's beyond the horizon, now it was time to find out, maybe dissolving the answer into a grand infinity of abstraction."

"One puts away the search for self-identity secretly glad that life's complexities find ways to distract from the goal because it's terrifying to acknowledge who one is suspecting that not much might be at the core."

"The Poet envied his father for he would love to gain that state of mind himself of detached from misery of seeking immortality"

"His own agony was fueled not by the desire but incongruence of two ideas: one can't seek glory in opposition to the masses; and awareness that this desire to detach from the masses dooms the enterprise."

"Up to that point he lived in mizery of unfulfilled dreams. They protected him from the horrors of disappointment at having nothing to say."

"Tomorrow's take off isn't just the Poet's 'death,' it's also a farewell to his father's life. Although neither one will really die - they'll never meet again. Those were the last moments they were alive together."


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