Thorns of Immortality
by Patryk Rebisz

Part II (short excerpts) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3. Yes or No?
"Even death follows a path of desire."

"He couldn't see himself as a non-being, he couldn't face death and yet the joy of living wasn't with him anymore. He was in between worlds - living or dying didn't matter much to him - he simply was too indifferent to both. To be aware of the distance between mind and the physical body that sustains it, is to be in between the worlds making this empty space home."

"He volunteered for the mission to become part of something bigger than his own singularity and yet he didn't want to disassociate himself from the body that defines him. Did he want to give up something of himself for the dream of a greater humanity?"

"Deepest dreams are rarely formed by the self - they are a grouping of forces that come from outside of the individual. At the edge of existence one is terrified, stripped of those forces imagining the worst: being compelled to create a new dream that belongs to noone else."

"To truly face oneself is a monumental task that's terrifying as it reveals a void within the very body one values so much - its thin shell only to define the soul's end."

"Lived through the body, one might be much more significant than any pretense to the soul's omnipotence. The journey was to prove the otherwise: that the soul, giving people perception of their immortality, reigns supreme."

"To be is to split oneself from the incursion of time. Although being necessarily hints at the beginning and the end, it also separates itself from the constraint of time passing. To do is to be in motion, constantly transforming from one state to another. This motion necessarily involves time."

copyright 2020