Thorns of Immortality
by Patryk Rebisz

Part II (short excerpts) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. Reality From A Though / Birth of God
"Dissatisfied with a thought of the universe, God let that thought turn into a concrete reality. From nothing, something was born."

"A thought represents an idea only when it becomes part of reality and that can manifest only via action. Thus the fundamental question is not that of thought but how to convert the metaphysical energy of an idea into that action."

"The Poet preferred the dreams of the mountain climb over the climb itself. He favored thinking up the ideas that resonate in the climber's head while struggling against the monolith of the mountain rather than climb and experience it first hand. The truth becomes an obstacle to the pleasures of imagination."

"A definition taken to an extreme encompasses such a vast amalgamation of elements that anything can be anything else. It's the human physical limitations that impose constraints on concepts."

"The crew would have to find a new agent of reality discovering a new 'body' to concretely affect the world - to forget all that they knew so once again they could live in a blissful ignorance detached from the knowledge of knowing."

"The end of something - the membrane that defines a thing as one but not another - always fascinated the Poet. He put his hand up observing, seeking the boundary of self. Where does 'he' end and the 'world' begins? The edges defining physical objects are apparent, but where one's conceptual definition of self wins over another is a choice."

"Objects and concepts do not exist in perfect tangibility but are rather shaped by probabilities of perception."

"The body tries to provide more exact definitions to the world, but the mind, shaped by the body's senses and biology of the brain, tries to dilute those demarcations by questioning the body. It doesn't want to accept that for its existence, it needs the body. It strives to outgrow the hegemony of the physical boundaries and imagines the infinites - the places where body's authority ceases due to impossible expanse."

"For God to exist, the mind must conceptualize It first. Likewise, the body must create the universe out of infinites of possibilities by giving it its definitions. The circle complete: perception birthed by the possibilities of the world."

"What's outside of God-Universe? Can this question exist outside of the Supreme Being? Is the symbiosis between the possibility of this thought and physical boundaries of the universe similar to that of mind interacting with its body? Can one rebel against God's omnipotence just as the mind does again the body's constraints?"

"One is constrained by the body but also accepts that it's through the body that one connects to the real world affecting change. The body is both the enabler of change and the limiting factor: it will die before this world reaches its perfection."

"Despite its inherent frailty, the body anchors the presence carving out an existence out of infinity of times and places rooting one in this time and in this reality."

"Why not first create a human floating aimlessly through the dark waters of eternal abyss slowly building the world around? The amniotic sack sustains the baby for nine months spent in the mother's womb - the child exists before being born. The universe doesn't exist before the child is born into it, rather the world is created for the baby the moment of birth - the process of birth fuses one's life with the abstraction of this world making it concrete."

"On the way to death, man seeks meaning, finding it only due to a curious handicap to experience time in its one-dimensionality - the arrow of time moving always forward - and imagining the self outside of this time. At the foundation of meaning is the human ability to think abstractly about time and space while being confined by those two dimensions."

"The answer to the question of meaning is not in a tangibility but in ability to 'stretch' the conceptual understanding of time reaching to its beginning and the end while facing mortality; the ability to reach the boundaries of the universe with thoughts while confined by the imperfect body."

"The soul wouldn't be needed as a concept if not for the body's finity, existing only thanks to the body's short burst of existence. Due to its inevitable death, the body creates the soul as a way to stay immortal. God played a cruel joke giving humans the ability to comprehend the concept of the soul but only through the unrefined physical being of the body."

"Imagining his body after death, the Poet wondered if he too would be content turning into 'immortal' dust. To fulfill one's destiny is to infuse atoms with enough meaning that the memory could carry on even if recomposed as a part of another creation."


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