About me

My name is Patryk .

I was born in Europe and studied painting all my life. Having come to America, in college (the prestigious Cooper Union School of Art) I gave up the solitude of painter’s studio to deal with constant stress of film set. I LOVE the tight deadlines, problems that constantly need to be solved, need to face the challenges within very finite time of film production, desire to out do yourself by pushing the next shot further than the previous one.

In the past 14 years I’ve shot countless commercials, a multitude of music videos, docs, TV shows, feature-films. I filmed cars, sports, products, food, lifestyle, animals, kids, celebs, gov’t jobs – in docu style and highly stylized way too. I filmed on ships, boats, airplanes – up in the air and down in hell. I have a small production company, Tupelo Productions, and you can see our work here.

Besides my two year old son, of the things I’m most proud of is a recent feature-length multi-award winning documentary, “Shoulder the Lion,” where I encompassed all my knowledge (both practical and theoretical) to push the envelope of possibility to communicate through images.

In my free time I design camera and lighting accessories to speed up my productions, fix my classic 70s car, read about meaning of life and dwell deeper into how form shapes our perception of the world and how that perception is never really our own. I enjoy complex ideas and challenging my own personal status-quo of perception. Whenever i can, i try to look at an issue from an unexpected perspective to further my understanding of the problem’s complexity. Images inspire concrete thoughts and i realized one day that i want to share those thoughts in a written form. Here are some of the results.

I live (with my fantastic wife and my most amazing child ever) and work in NYC, sometimes taking a trip across the continent to work in LA.